Helpful points to enable productive working on line via video:
Ensure that:
You have your computer set up with Zoom or mobile set up with WhatsApp before the session commences. This includes having your microphone and video, if using, turned on.
Your computer or mobile is positioned at a sensible height so that I can clearly see your face and upper arms and torso and that the camera is at eye level.
You are in a quiet location, as it is very easy to hear background noises, e.g. animals, washing machines and kettles, etc.
You are not driving or looking after children at the same time, that the TV or radio is off, and that you will not be interrupted by messages or calls. Please ensure that the door to the room you are sitting in is closed.
That you do not try to multi-task while we are working together.
If you are using your computer, you have your mobile out of reach and with the sound muted so that it is not a distraction.
You do not have your back to a window or light – this can make it very hard for me to see you clearly.
That there is adequate lighting in the room that you are in.
You have a box of tissues nearby.
You have a glass of water nearby.
You have not been drinking alcohol or taking drugs before any sessions where they may still be in your body.
You join the meeting at the agreed time.
Please note that we will adhere to the terms and conditions in the main agreement, regarding confidentiality and safeguarding.
You should be aware that I cannot guarantee confidentiality from your location. The responsibility for this rests with you. For us to work together, I need to know that you can create a quiet space for yourself to talk freely and without interruption.
Please contact me to discuss this if you have any concerns.